San Antonio Employment Law Blog

The Advantage of Knowing Both Employee and Employer Sides of Labor Disputes

If you’re dealing with an employment law dispute of any kind, whether on the state or federal level, it is important to choose your lawyer carefully. You need someone who knows employment law from both sides — the employee and the employer. An attorney with this double-knowledge can give you the advantage you need to prevail.

The Galo Law Firm, P.C., specializes in labor and employment law, handling cases from San Antonio down to Laredo and McAllen, with particular emphasis on these areas of practice:

  • Unpaid Overtime Disputes
  • Workplace Discrimination
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Wrongful Termination
  • Retaliation
  • Severance Agreements
  • Non-compete Agreements

Go with someone who knows employment law inside and out.

Attorney Michael Galo, who has advised and represented employers and hundreds of employees since 1994, also handles federal employment law cases involving the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act, as well as retaliation claims under the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act.

Clients of The Galo Law Firm can count on dealing with Michael Galo directly, as he stays accessible every step of the way. Because the firm has handled cases for employees and employers, Michael is in a position to offer comprehensive representation that anticipates the other side’s next move.

Not being paid overtime? Being harassed or discriminated against at work? You have legal options.

Wage theft has received heightened attention in recent years, and wage and hour disputes have become increasingly common in Texas and throughout the country. Despite key legislative steps in the right direction, discrimination, harassment and retaliation are still serious problems in American workplaces.

If you are dealing with any of these issues at work, then know that you are not alone. Don’t hesitate to contact an experienced employment law attorney to explain your situation.

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