San Antonio Employment Law Blog

Principal fired and claims wrongful termination in Texas

If you’ve been fired from your job, then the last thing you want to consider is the fact that you may have been fired unfairly. In this wrongful termination lawsuit, that’s exactly what one man claimed happened. Now, the ex-Fort Worth, Texas, assistant principal has been awarded $2.4 million for his wrongful termination.

According to the story from March 28, the man headed to court about his wrongful termination, because he claimed that he was fired due to reporting the falsifying of student attendance records, discrimination against minority students, and inappropriate sexual relationships at the school. He is allegedly happy that this came out in court and that the jury agreed with him and the facts of the case.

This man’s case was able to be filed under the Texas Whistlebowler Act, which makes it a requirement that a governmental body can’t fire an employee for reporting violations of the law in good faith. The school district has claimed that it will appeal the case, because it doesn’t believe the man was fired in retaliation efforts. They claim he was fired for different reasons, some of which include bullying, being disrespectful, and for discriminating against minority students, the exact thing he claims he reported to the district.

The man has allegedly been defamed by the school as well, and he is seeking $1 million in damages in a separate lawsuit. The school claims he has tried to sue and lost before, but this time, they may have lost due to the case finally reaching the courts and an unbiased jury. The man now claims that the defamation has also caused him trouble when seeking new work, and he hopes that the defamation case will go through in his favor as well.

Source: Star-Telegram, “Jury awards $2.4 million to ex-Fort Worth assistant principal” Yamil Berard, Mar. 28, 2014

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